Hoxie Collective supported Parson + Associates with community engagement work for the KC Spirit Playbook. The KC Spirit Playbook is Kansas City, Missouri's comprehensive plan. Adopted by the City Council in April of 2023, the Playbook will guide the physical development of the city for the next 20 years. The Playbook is the city's shared vision, based on input gathered through public engagement. It defines what the community wants the city to be and reflects the community's values and priorities.
The Playbook outlines a vision for the city will develop in the future, in line with community values and priorities. Five big ideas describe the most important things that need to be accomplished according to the priorities expressed by Kansas Citians. These big ideas include diversifying and densifying housing choices and creating complete communities, promoting high-quality design, Respecting land as a limited resource developing in an equitable and sustainable manner, maximizing connections and mobility options, and creating a future-proofed city.
The Playbook's 21 Objectives are the nuts and bolts of the Playbook. Each Objective has a series of detailed recommendations and initiatives called Community Supported Actions (CSAs) that describe how to achieve the plan's Goals. The Objectives also provide background, data, context, and other relevant information for that particular policy area.
Community engagement for the KC Spirit Playbook extended throughout the four-year planning process, including a major pivot in approach in response to COVID-19 pandemic. Early engagement focused on listening sessions and community conversations, with efforts to increase awareness, interest, and engagement in the planning process. Tools include online surveys and other online engagement activities. There was a conscientious effort to reach across the digital divide to Kansas Citians who may not have a reliable internet source, and therefore were less likely to access the Playbook website and get engaged with the planning process. The consultant team worked with city staff to evaluate public engagement metrics during the process and create a detailed plan to connect with more Kansas Citians, particularly in the areas of the city that had not engaged as much online compared to other areas.
As plan strategies were developed, the consultant engagement team began in-person outdoor engagement, and deployed surveys based on questions related to plan strategies. The engagement team collected hundreds of in-person surveys and also distributed surveys and engagement materials to libraries across the city. With the creation of the draft plan, public engagement efforts focused on familiarizing Kansas Citians and regional partners and receiving feedback on draft recommendations.
Kansas City, Missouri
Adopted by City Council in April 2023
Kansas City Planning and Development
Document Links
Engagement Consultant Team
Parson + Associates
Hoxie Collective
In-Person Engagement

Engagement Metrics Maps