This work began with a technical analysis of economic demand and supply as well as historical mapping and a resident survey of Historic Manheim Park Neighborhood. With this information, our team facilitated conversations with the neighborhood to articulate their Vision and Goals in eight categories: Housing, Parks, Transportation, Safety, Maintenance, Business, Community, and Education. Short and long-term economic, environmental and social strategies are integrated into the eight categories described in the Vision Plan for a sustainable solution for renewal.
Once Manheim Park residents documented a clear vision of their future and a path to get there, developer interest began in earnest. A powerful team including the Make It Right Foundation and Dalmark Group started to explore how they could renovate the long-vacant Bancroft School into a vibrant new community hub and meet the goals of the neighborhood. The planning and development teams kept open lines of communication with the community and assisted the neighborhood President in engaging her neighborhood and providing feedback to the design team, as well as keeping neighbors informed on the design and development process as it moved forward.
While the renovation and construction processes of Bancroft School were underway, the next step was to create a Development Strategy to coordinate developer interest, community development activity, neighborhood participation, and City investment in the Manheim Park Neighborhood. This strategy supports the vision of the neighborhood and builds the capacity of residents and community organizations alike.
The three components of the Development Strategy document are:
Development Concepts
Performance Guidelines
Process Framework
Kansas City, Missouri
2009, 2013
Phase 1: 2009
Vision Plan
- Funded by Brush Creek Community Partners
Phase 2: 2013
Development Strategy
- Funded by Enterprise Community Partners
Additional Project Details
Concurrent with Phase 2, design of Bancroft School with Dalmark Development Partners and Neighborhood Association
Team leader while at BNIM
Historic Manheim Park Neighborhood Association

Vacant Property
Vacant Lot Adoption/Absorption
Community Playground/Landscape

New Infill Housing
Stormwater and Native Planting
Community Garden or Urban Farm

Existing Conditions
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3

Future Commercial Corridor Infill and Complete Street (Troost)