Hoxie Collective led a team of planners, landscape designers, environmental specialists, and community partners to develop an improvement plan for Marlborough Park in the Marlborough neighborhood of southern Kansas City. The park’s distinct topography and forested areas could provide a unique destination for Marlborough residents to enjoy nature and active recreation experiences close to home. The location is also ideal for connecting to regional trails and recreational assets. However, today the park is in need of environmental restoration and active programming to make it safer and usable for the community. Many who live near the park are not familiar with it as a public park. Lack of visibility and community presence in the park contribute to an increase in undesirable activities. The Marlborough Park Improvement Plan engages and empowers the community around the park’s assets and challenges to find solutions for improved facilities, uses, programs, and community partnerships to care for and improve the park.
Each phase of work for this project included an iterative cycle of analysis, community engagement, and design. A conservation plan for the park focuses on understanding native vegetation and natural systems to restore ecosystem health and improve park safety. Proposed trail loops increase visibility across the park, while providing walking and biking access for a wide variety of ages and abilities to enjoy the park together. Carefully designed and located amenities maximize visibility within the park, ensure accessibility, and prioritize ease of maintenance. Proposed improvements are leveraged with surrounding infrastructure and amenities to expand the park’s potential and increase visibility and connections with the neighborhood. An operations and maintenance plan ensures improvements are sustainable, and cost estimates support a practical funding strategy.
Marlborough Neighborhood,
Kansas City, Missouri
Completed September 2023
Kansas City Parks and Recreation
Hoxie Collective (Lead Consultant)
SWT Design
Document Links
Marlborough Park Improvement Plan + Conservation Plan + Engagement Plan
Related Projects
Ecological Restoration Opportunities

Iterative Cycle of Implementation

Conservation Training

Community Workshop

Final Concept Design