This project identifies improvements to the Rock Creek Corridor in Mission, Kansas – an important focal point and connector for the surrounding community. Guided by community feedback and a rigorous technical analysis, final recommendations for the corridor include a landscape and public space design and improvement strategy for the corridor, as well as a new 1.65-mile shared use path that will function as an important new connector through the area.
The recommended design concept for the Rock Creek Corridor emphasizes open green space, incorporation of stone walls inspired by the region’s historic use, and integration of a water feature inspired by the adjacent creek. The design includes a fitness space, a permanent pavilion for the Farmers Market and events, and a restroom for market activities. Closing some street segments to vehicular traffic enhances open space and minimizes conflicts, while traffic calming features improve trail user safety. The design also focuses on connecting existing and new park spaces, introducing a bioretention area, a pollinator landscape, and community spaces. Green infrastructure is a key element, and proposed improvements to the Rock Creek stream channel include enhanced natural fencing and guardrails.
Hoxie Collective led an engagement process that actively included the City of Mission staff, stakeholders, business owners, residents, and interested individuals in the community. Throughout the process, project recommendations centered community voices and priorities. Focus group meetings and one-on-one interviews provided tailored opportunities for business owners, local organization leaders, and local property owners to share their concerns and feedback. A Walk & Roll workshop organized in collaboration with BikeWalkKC invited walkers and bikers to experience the corridor, its existing infrastructure, its challenges, and its potential. Online surveys expanded the range of community participants.
In addition to community feedback, a comprehensive analysis of costs, benefits, and tradeoffs between design options informed final recommendations. A funding and implementation strategy included a review of local and federal grant opportunities related to transportation, community health, flood mitigation, and other areas.
Mission, Kansas
Plan Completed March 2024
City of Mission, Kansas
Document Links
Wilson & Company (lead consultant)
Hoxie Collective (engagement lead)
SWT Design
SingleWing Creative
Rock Creek Park Concept

Proposed Street Section

Walking and Biking Workshops

Design Workshop